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Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Belajar Bahasa Inggris4

Present Perfect
Present Perfect
Signal words
Form of affirmative, negative sentences and questions
Special verbs
Long forms and short forms

Present Perfect - Complex Test 1
Exercises - Present Perfect

Present Perfect - Use
1) Result of an action in the past is important in the present
I have cleaned my room.

2) Recently completed action
He has just played handball.

3) Action beginning in the past and still continuing
We have lived in Canada since 1986.

4) together with lately, recently, yet
I have been to London recently.

Signal words
just, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for

have/has + past participle

Affirmative sentences:
I have played football.
I've played football. You have played football.
You've played football.

Negative sentences:
I have not played football.
I've not played football.
I haven't played football. You have not played football.
You've not played football.
You haven't played football.

Have I played football? Have you played football?

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